HINABN Shirt Dress

YEAH. I've already done it!

A brief overview:

First step was marking where I was going to sew. I used another dress I had to get the approximate size I needed.

Then I sewed it up and tried it on...and it was WAY TOO SMALL. The outline worked well for the other dress, as it was a stretchy knit, but not at all for the T-shirt. Ripped out the stitching and moved both sides out about half an inch or more. Tried it on again and it was perfect.

TRIM IT DOOWN! This included the sides left over, and sleeves. It was an XL shirt to begin with, so the sleeves were waaay long. I cut it off just above the sleeve seam and it made for a nice capped sleeve.

I lengthened the dress with strips of other T-shirt fabric, as well as some leftovers I had tripping off the excess on the Hanna shirt.

FINISHED. I suck at explaining junk; plus I'm super tired and don't feel like revisiting it all that much.

I'll be getting some action shots of this dress as well, so stay tuned!

1 comments is not enough!:

  1. Alyssa said...

    I want to see it in person and on you. Looks good, though! Good use of an XL...  


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