Conbat Wallet Pt 3
0 comments is not enough! Typed up by DoubtingSalmon at Wednesday, September 29, 2010Final pictures of the wallet for you all. :D
Photos to come of two hoodies I completed over the weekend as well. They'll probably be the last updates for a while, unless I get it in my head (or manage to have the time) to make another Conbat plushie.
Conbat Wallet Pt 2
0 comments is not enough! Typed up by DoubtingSalmon at Sunday, September 26, 2010I hope you like scrolling down!!
There are going to be so many photos in this...OMG! Sorry.
Struck out on finding some argyle fabric, but I DID find this plaid that I liked. Reminded me of this fanart of Conrad, so I went with it. I'm actually pretty in love with it right now, so I think it all worked out.
Ironed on some interfacing for this one as well. |
Preparing the preparations for the Conbat, who's design was yoinked from the set of valentines Tessa made this year. I didn't particularly want to draw one up, so I enlarged the image on our photocopier, cut it out, traced the outline of the heart and Conbat onto their respective fabrics and cut them out. Then, I used the copy to rig up a stencil. Weee!
Pre-acrylic cut outs |
Acrylic base colors applied. |
Using the cut out as a stencil. |
VOILA! Stenciled hands! |
And touching them up a bit... |
Almost done! |
Finished! |
D'aaaww! |
What the stencil looked like when done. |
Again, I used the tutorial from Confessions of a Fabricaholic. This time, I started at the beginning and made the zipper pocket below:
The inside portion all sewn together:
Inside portion's been sewn to the outer and it's been flipped right sides out. I kinda got really focused and forgot to take some pics between this and the one before. Sorry. This is getting ready for the final stitching (which was HORRIBLE), which attaches the snap. I gave up very quickly on trying to do a zipper close.
I'll have some better shots of the completed wallet, inside and out, tomorrow, likely. But for now, some closeups of Conbat...because he's ADORABLE. Glued him on with some SUPER DUPER glue, that's very smelly, so he's drying in the basement over night.
Conbat Wallet Pt 1
0 comments is not enough! Typed up by DoubtingSalmon at Friday, September 24, 2010No argyle fabric yet, I'll be on the (hopefully successful)hunt for it tomorrow. Decided I'd not waste time, however and started on the interior.
Again, I'm following the brilliant tutorial over on Confessions of a Fabricaholic. She's much better at explaining what's going on. :)
All the cut out pieces:
Started at step 11
Decided to add some iron in interfacing here for extra support:
Finished credit card portion:
Decided I'd prefer a couple of ID pockets (for license or student ID), so I did some vinyl windows.
I've got a new project that I'm working on that's getting bumped to the top of the list: A wallet!
In light of recent events (*coughwalleststolencough*), I've decided that rather than purchasing a new wallet, I'd much rather make one. What the heck is wrong with me?!
I want a Conbat wallet, that's what.
I plan to use this tutorial as a model, but I may try to use a zipper closure all the way around instead of just the snap. My idea is to make the outside argyle, with an appliquéd Conbat on it...because I'm a dork.
Hoping to get going on the inside today, since I can't find a satisfactory argyle yet, and the inside is just gonna be red. I'll keep you posted on the progress!
Action Shots: "Let's Drop the Bomb!" Hoodie
0 comments is not enough! Typed up by DoubtingSalmon at Thursday, September 23, 2010More photos:

Larger image here!
The fantastic {...} scarf was knit by the talented KatsumiBatei on DA. Give her love in the form of buying scarves! :D
Action Shots: HINABN Dress
0 comments is not enough! Typed up by DoubtingSalmon at Thursday, September 23, 2010HINABN Shirt Dress
1 comments is not enough! Typed up by DoubtingSalmon at Tuesday, September 14, 2010YEAH. I've already done it!
A brief overview:
First step was marking where I was going to sew. I used another dress I had to get the approximate size I needed.
Then I sewed it up and tried it on...and it was WAY TOO SMALL. The outline worked well for the other dress, as it was a stretchy knit, but not at all for the T-shirt. Ripped out the stitching and moved both sides out about half an inch or more. Tried it on again and it was perfect.
TRIM IT DOOWN! This included the sides left over, and sleeves. It was an XL shirt to begin with, so the sleeves were waaay long. I cut it off just above the sleeve seam and it made for a nice capped sleeve.
I lengthened the dress with strips of other T-shirt fabric, as well as some leftovers I had tripping off the excess on the Hanna shirt.
FINISHED. I suck at explaining junk; plus I'm super tired and don't feel like revisiting it all that much.
I'll be getting some action shots of this dress as well, so stay tuned!
Labels: Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name, HINABN
"Let's Drop the Bomb" Hoodie pt III
1 comments is not enough! Typed up by DoubtingSalmon at Monday, September 13, 2010FINISHED! Mostly. I've got 2 coats on the back design that are going to dry while I'm at work tonight, and then I'll probably go over the whole coat and touch up some spots that seem thin. And then...Well I might just wear it to school tomorrow.
Had to go back to the craft store (OMG!) to get more paint today...ended up spending $27 dollars when I meant to spend $2. Yup. Art is bad for me.
Look it all that tape!
Labels: Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name, HINABN
"Let's Drop the Bomb" Hoodie pt II
0 comments is not enough! Typed up by DoubtingSalmon at Monday, September 13, 2010Labels: Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name, HINABN
"Let's Drop the Bomb" Hoodie pt I
0 comments is not enough! Typed up by DoubtingSalmon at Sunday, September 12, 2010Started painting the hoodie from Tessa's Let's Drop the Bomb pic.
It's pretty simple, I don't think there's much explanation needed for what's going on.
Just taped off the main edges, and used some shoelaces to give me an approximate space between stripes. Gotta let this dry and then get on to the back sides. Will try to finish it up tomorrow.
Labels: Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name, HINABN
I've got plans to convert an XL version of the Hanna Is Not a Boy's Name shirt I was gifted by Tessa Stone at Dragon*Con this year into some kinda crazy t-shirt dress.
My sketch is horrible and I was too lazy to scan it....It's just an idea. I'm waiting for the Generation T: Beyond Fashion book to get transferred to my library before I really start sewing on this thing, because I want to see if it's got any good ideas.
So yeah! First up on my sewing projects. Want to get it done ASAP, but we'll see! I'll try a step by step with this one, though I'm really bad at stopping what I'm doing to take photos.
Labels: Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name, HINABN
No photos from this year's Dragon*Con yet, but I'm already starting to make plans for next year.
Yeah. You heard me.
~I intend to do Doc Worth once again, because he's just too damn fun!
~Also in store will be Veser Hatch! Because I think I'll be a more convincing 19 yr old.
~A TARDIS dress is also in order, as well has having to construct a femme!Doctor outfit for a friend.
~And I'll probably have one day for myself. Because it's always good to be yourself. If not myself, then a femme!Conrad will probably get done. Or Worth or Ves again.
There are also plans for an eventual steampunk Doc Worth, but that's not until the future.
A few other sewing projects that'll likely make it here as well:
~An Adelaide hoodie that I've been wanting for some time.
~And, of course, the evolution of the Conbat. Once I finally make a version I'm proud of, I'll do a whole post on his development.
~And plushies, should I start on those aggravating bastards again.
~A new edition to my list of junk to do, Hanna's hoodie from this image, because all it would take is a hoodie and some paint. Yay for easy!
So yeah, fun stuff in store, kiddies. Stick around!
Labels: Doctor Who, Dragon*Con, Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name, HINABN