Well, the messenger bag got done faster than I thought it would; but that's good, right? This one was super simple, and I used the delightful tutorial over at mmmcrafts.
I'm not sure why I chose a shirt/tie design, I guess I wanted an interesting way to display the pins, and, of course, my brain was like, "LAPELS!" So...yeah. We have this now.

Fabrics used for the main body of the bag was a black twill and a plaid suiting. I did use interfacing on the strap and body. The shirt design was just broadcloth, the tie was some silky black stuff I've had for a while, and some suede cloth for the "skin."

Everything went pretty well, right up until the end, when I was working on removing my HINABN pins from the necklace I'd hot glued them on. Lamont was being stubborn and wouldn't come off, so I got my X-acto knife to cut him out and learned a valuable lesson. You know how they say to cut away from you? Yeah...you should cut away from you. I was trying to slice upwards through the glue, and it gave suddenly cutting upwards through my left index finger. FUN STUFF. Great way to end 2010, too.

2 comments is not enough!:

  1. Larissa Holland said...

    Um, OW! Yikes. I hate finger wounds. They always hurt the worst and take forever to heal up. Two words for you: Waterproof Bandaid. Maybe with Disney Princesses on them.
    Your bag is so awesome. Lapels. Of course, lapels. And a tie. Thanks for the shout out about the tutorial!  

  2. DoubtingSalmon said...

    Oooh. Princess bandaids! I bet they have some for Tangled!

    I'm glad you liked it! ^_^  


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