Starting Over...

Soo. Spent a large part of my day yesterday sewing up the Emily blouse, finding out how much of a bitch collars are, etc, only to find out that it's too small! WHO'DA THUNK?! I apparently just need to shut up, and do what the pattern tells me to do. So, I'll have to get more fabric and start over. Woooo...

In other news, I've got another project to add to the list, a seeecret Christmas present project.

So we've got now:

~Emily blouse (general wear and for Femme!Conrad costume for Halloween {If I get it done by then.})
~Doc Worth jacket (future cosplay and, let's face it, it's awesome)
~Secret Xmas project
~Veser hoodie (for Dragon*Con next year, but that likely won't get tacked until the summer)

Still have to get pictures of the Adelaide and "Float On" hoodies.

1 comments is not enough!:

  1. Alyssa said...

    So, not going to post pictures of your Emily blouse? Come on, I know you have some now :)  


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