Comin' up!

Some newly developed projects of mine are more immediate matters (and can only get done when I get my room straightened's HORRIBLE in here!), because they're not cosplay related...well, one of them is. XD

First up will be me creating this awesome top from Burda Style; there's a large grey and black houndstooth that I've got in store for it. :D

Another top planned from Burda Style, because I'm tired of not having a red blouse and not being able to find any that I like in the store. Have yet to decide if I want to do the long, turned over cuffs or not. Any opinions?

And lastly on my list for some fall/winter styles is a coat that I can actually use for a cosplay, but may just wear it because it's AWESOME! I speak, of course, of Doc Worth's jacket from the February reward comic! A friend of mine's got a pattern I'm going to use as a base, but there's going to be a lot of modifications. They scare me, but I think I can manage! We chose a darkish khaki canvas for the coat, and I've got lots and lots of left fur still for the collar. Doc needs more fur clothes so I can get rid of this stuff. XD

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