Finished Leg of Mutton

Finished the Leg of Mutton top. I'm lazy and will post what I said on my DA:

The shirt was pretty simple to put together, and I actually had a lot of fun with the gathering and stuff. Over all, I'd recommend giving this one a try, but there's only one size to the pattern, and it's a little too small for me. If I'd realized it, I'd have made narrow part of the sleeves a little bit larger so they're not so skin tight like these are. I'd also make the shirt longer, because it is pretty short.

And yes, that's a necklace I made from my HINABN pins, because I wanted to wear them around, but was too paranoid I'd loose them all the time. Only ones missing are the AX ones (which are secured on my bookbag), Lee, and the shirt and tie pin, which is misplaced, at the moment. I know it's not lost lost but...stupid thing disappeared!

Photos taken by a couple of friends. :D

Up next is going to be the Emily top. Hopefully will be able to start work on it this week. Sorry there weren't more step by step photos for this one. I always forget to grab my camera when I go downstairs to get to work, and then I get really focused and don't even think about pausing for photos.

My grandmother just gave us her sewing machine (only 3 years old! :D), so now my sister and I are going to put one of them upstairs odds are, it'll help me remember to take more pics. Wee!

Also: finished both the Adelaide hoodie as well as the "Float On" hoodie, but I've yet to get photos taken. Sorry! I'll try to get some this week. :D

1 comments is not enough!:

  1. Lauren Wiginton said...

    I love that top! It looks like it fits amazing! I want one.  


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