Sambat WIP

WOW. OK. So it's been a long time since I've updated this thing. I'm so sorry! I've been doing lots of crafting lately, and, of course, I've got very little photos to show for it. I'm sorta bad at this thing, I know. lol. I do, however, have some pictures of my latest project that I'm still working on, and I'll throw some of those WIP shots up now. Some explanation:

After first seeing the work of creturfetur on dA some time ago, I've been wanting to experiment with needle felting. After Dragon*Con in September, I decided that needle felting would be my fall project. After a test run by felting a quick Gunter the penguin from Adventure Time, I waited until some felting books I'd had transferred to my library to arrive, glanced over them, and promptly ignored them. XD I then plunged myself into creating the bat form of a character of mine. It's been a lot of fun, and I really loved making his curls. REALLY. I keep adding more and more because they're just too darn cute. There's still quite a bit left to do with him. He needs his other hind leg, and I have to sculpt some back feet and some thumbs for his forearms and his eyes (the one in the pics is just a straight pin I've used as a substitute) and possibly a nose. Then there's general finishing touches to consider. But he's nearly there!

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