Dragon*Con 2011

Just a post to cover the costumes for Dragon*Con this year.

A photo of a friend wearing the improved Doc Worth jacket. Instead of faux fur like I had last year, I took a sheep skin throw from Ikea and used it. It's incredibly fluffy, but glorious!

Me in my Princess Bubblegum costume, with the friend from the previous picture as Marceline, and an AMAZING LSP cosplayer who found us. Over all, I'm quite pleased with the PB dress, and it was very comfortable. The crown gave me a lot of trouble, and I'll probably find a way to make it thinner and lighter weight for next year. I believe I'll also be making a Peppermint Butler purse.

Close up of the shoes I made to match the PB dress. Just a pair of old flats with scraps from the dress hot glued on top. I burned my finger making these the day before the con. It hurt. BADLY.

And finally, two shots of the costume I made of Miss Raney's character. I don't know why I didn't take my badge off for these. XD

1 comments is not enough!:

  1. Kathy said...

    Wow I love your costumes :)

    check out: Nove Colli Gran Fondo 2015  


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