Spring Break's Comin!

All I need to do is write two essays, turn them in tomorrow with my portfolio and then I'm out! My plans for this break are simple: PREP FOR MOMOCON! Mostly this means finally sewing that darn shark hoodie! This time, I intend to try to show a step by step photo of putting it together, but I make no promises, as I get really into working and completely forget about photos. I've also got to make some arm spats for our Ples, which will be lots of fun, as he's in Indiana and I don't have his arms for fitting, just measurements. JOY. Just a heads up on what's coming soon. Stay tuned!

Checklist for myself:
Hoodie- ✓
Shoes- ✓
Belt- ✓
Contacts- ✓
Wig- ✓, though not delivered yet
Manpants- ✓
Green tag for manpants-
Goggles- ✓

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