For D*Con 2010

As I said I'd do, here's a post with costumes I've put together thus far.

This was a pirate costume I made for last year's convention, though I'm not wearing it this year. Mum helped quite a lot with the sewing, though I intended to do it all myself.

This is my Triana Orpheus costume that I put together for a project in my Visual Rhetoric class back in Dec '09. Only thing I sewed here was the skirt, and I hand stenciled the shirt. Wearing this in Atlanta in December was not one of my best ideas. Had a lot of fun trekking around Atl with a friend of mine who took the pics, though. This one is coming with me to D*con this year. Wee!

My costume for Doc Worth, from the awesomely awesome webcomic Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name. Also being worn to D*Con this year. Again, only thing really sewn here was the coat, which was adapted from a Publix deli coat. This coat gave me a looot of trouble, and is, in fact, the second one I had to make after the first (which was a converted Kroger meat coat) suffered a horrible, hole-creating accident thanks to a particularly bad episode of LOST season 6. I hate having to take pictures of myself. I'll be sure to upload photos of me taken by other people after the con. XD

Lastly, I whipped up a Finn costume (Finn, from the ever mathematical Adventure Time!). I'm not entirely sure how much of it I'm going to wear. I maaay just bring the awesome hat. We'll see, I guess.

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